pottery bank history

Pottery Bank Community Centre’s aim is to bring people together to remind us of all the community spirit here in the Pottery Bank area,

Here's where it all began...


Pottery Bank Community Centre Ltd formerly known as Thomas Gaughan Community Association was originally a day centre for the elderly, and became surplus to social service requirements in 1995. After a lengthy campaign by residents to save the building, and to secure a lease for the community to benefit, in 1997 it re-opened its doors. Since then it has been one the community hubs located in walker area serving the needs of the local community. In August 2012 the Charity became an incorporated private company, limited by guarantee, and following a major refurbishment it reopened its doors in January 2013.


In light of the newly refurbished building the board of directors and staff decided to rename the centre to reflect all of the positive changes happening in and around the area and became ‘ Pottery Bank Community Centre Ltd’. Access to such facility in an area lacking in community resources benefits local people immensely. The ambition of the Pottery Bank Community Centre is to provide an inclusive quality service to people of all ages in Walker. To work in partnership to meet the needs of individuals and families, to restore pride and passion, to build friendships and feel sense of belonging and make a difference in our community which will hopefully enhance their quality of life.


PBCC has been supported over the last 6 years by The National Lottery Community Fund, to develop “Walker Women Together” a partnership project with Building Futures East, an initiative to support local women access training courses across the east end of Newcastle and Wallsend. Along with funding from North of Tyne community led local development to develop our community allotment into a horticultural trading/training facility with a range of therapeutic horticulture, health and wellness courses and encouraging participation in a community setting with access to indoor and outdoor activities along with volunteering opportunities. PBCC also receives continued Funding from Tudor Trust, Greggs Foundation, Newcastle City Council and YHN to support running costs for the Centre.

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